Blogifier September 2018

Few weeks back I upgraded this blog to run on Blogifier - open source project I put on Github over a year ago. In its current incarnation it is a small blogging application that is fun and easy to use - to me at least :). Not a Wordpress, I really want it do just few things and do it well. Ideally, any developer should be able master it over weekend.
Anyways, having it run live immediately uncovered small issues and annoyances that are inevitable unless you really using application day in and day out. So that turned into steady flow of commits into Github repo with all kind of updates and fixes. I feel like new release is under way to consolidate this all. Here is quick overview what changed.
This is often hard and afterthought, but I'm trying. The /docs
folder added with file-per-feature approach. Will try to keep it up.
Build script
The Cake build script is helping automate build and deployment, this is very important - unless you can publish app with executing command or pushing a button, it puts a burden that sooner or later will slow you down big time. Still experimenting with this, trying to add all kind of smarts, like generating build for update, pushing files to upload server etc.
Editor improvements
Now editor will generate HTML Video/Audio tags when you try to insert audio or video file from file manager. Will probably add Youtube button to generate iframe on the fly.
SQL Server support
MS SQL Server now should work out of the box, the only thing required to hook it up is configuration change in appsettings.json. And yes, its documented :)
Added notifications to admin panel. For starters, it will display when new version available in repository, but this can be improved and extended over time.
There lots of other small improvements and fixes, so feel pretty good about it right now. And it is becoming really stable - not going to make any drastic changes and experiments anytime soon, consider it safe for production.