ASP.NET Globalization in BlogEngine.NET

The basic globalization in ASP.NET pretty simple: you create resource (.resx) file for every supported language and include it in App\_GlobalResources. ASP.NET will compile it and load on demand. If you put your resources in labels.resx, in your code you can access individual resource like this

OpenID with ASP.NET Example

In the [previous post]( we’ve got dead simple OpenID authentication working with ASP.NET WebForms application. Lets push it further and make more real world example you can actually use in your project. To make it less work, we will use Javascript

OpenID with ASP.NET Made Simple

Implementing OpenID can be challenging, because of large number of scenarios and parties it can be used for and by. So any decent implementation includes lots of stuff you don’t particularly care about and it is hard to parse information to find exactly what you need. To save you some reading time, here how it works with ASP.NET application in the nutshell.

IIS 7 – Who is running the show

When you run ASP.NET site in Visual Studio things generally tend to work. It usually when you try to deploy it to live server when you get into trouble. This is why I wasn’t surprised when after setting up little continuous integration server my application that ran perfectly well in VS broke apart on local IIS 7.

Strategy pattern

Do you use design patterns in your daily development? You probably should, and if you don't you might start with reading some books on the subject. I would suggest [one from Head First series](, although [not everybody]( is a big fan of this book.


This site is all about developing web applications with focus on designing and building open source blogging solutions. Technologies include ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript and more.