Update on BlogEngine.NET

People keep sending me emails asking if BlogEngine.NET is dead. Not surprisingly, given lack of updates since beginning of 2017. So what's going on? As they say, picture worth a thousand words, this one explains where things stand now pretty accurately.

Boldy Updated to Version 3.1.1

We getting really close to BlogEngine 3.2 release and I'm mostly switching to integration tasks, checking how it works with external code, like themes, plugins etc. As an exercise I decided to refresh my old Boldy theme and make it work with very latest code.

Multiple Blogs vs Multiple Users

BlogEngine supported multiple users as far back as I can remember. But what people really wanted was multiple blogs on the single application install. So that hosting company, for example, can install application and provide free blog to everyone buying hosting space. Having multiple users not helping here, it just not the same. And at some point BlogEngine went all in and added multiple blogs feature

Sneak peek on BlogEngine 2015

There has been a lot of activity lately on BlogEngine.NET development that went under the radar, so I want to clear things up a little. Because code moved from [Codeplex](http://blogengine.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets) to [Github](https://github.com/rxtur/BlogEngine.NET) without much publicity, people don't see any changes in a while and assume project is dead done. This is exaggeration :)

Updater utility for BlogEngine 2.9

just released to the public, and planning to upgrade your blog, here is little handy utility you can use. Using it pretty simple, just follow these steps and you'll get your blog upgraded in no time. Well, at least I did - no guarantee it will work for everyone, of course.

Custom Fields

Usually blogs have well known structure, which is understandable; one of the core ideas behind blogs is ability to "talk" to each other using RSS, format that defines very strict set of entries like "post", "category" or "tag". Also common format helps to move data from one blog engine to the other making your data portable - big plus.

BlogEngine 2.8 Theme Structure

Looking for improvements to layout and theme structure in the next BlogEngine, I went through existing code analyzing how these things work now. Its not very straightforward, so I decided to put together a quick overview that might help someone maintaining and modifying blog built with BlogEngine.NET

Updater for BlogEngine 2.8

BlogEngine.NET 2.8 was just released to the public, and if you feel lazy going through the steps to upgrade, here is how to do it easier. Download little utility from the link in the end of this post, watch short video with example how it works and you should be able to upgrade without breaking a sweat.

BlogEngine 2.6 Updater

BlogEngine [2.6 release is out](http://dotnetblogengine.net/post/The-Next-Chapter-of-BlogEngineNET-Version-26.aspx) and you might want to upgrade your existing blog to take advantage of all the new features. You can read [instructions](http://blogengine.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Upgrading%20to%20BlogEngine.NET%202.6) how to manually upgrade your site or you can try updater utility I've been using lately to automate upgrades for my blog

Customizing Post Navigation

Post navigation in BlogEngine is a little hard to customize. By default it looks like picture below and that works fine with standard theme. Small problem is that those angle brackets and "|" in the middle not that easy to get rid of without some nasty CSS tricks because they baked into the core code that nobody likes to touch


This site is all about developing web applications with focus on designing and building open source blogging solutions. Technologies include ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript and more.