HTML5 Starter Template

There is new theme added to Blogifier that has only two purposes in life - to provide clean, easiest possible HTML5 template for building your own theme from scratch and to run optimization tests. It is a bit ugly and simplistic, so I don't expect anyone using it for a site without customization.
Speaking about themes in general, I think it would be best to have a variety ranging from as simple as this one to pretty complex and multimedia rich - like Philosophy and Vizew. I think Blogifier close to having good set of built-in themes to choose from, maybe couple more to come but really close to be done in this department.
By optimization tests I mean tests to verify if application itself optimized and configured for speed and standards. Most other themes add lots of noise to these tests - not optimized images in the content, custom fonts, JS plug-ins and much more. So, this bare-bones theme would allow to check application performance rather than theme related features, content and your favorite JavaScript / CSS libraries. And although I haven't done much optimizing yet, with all theme-related distractions out of the way Blogifier easily hits a perfect score at Google's page speed test. As I said, there ways to go and tests to run - but its a good start.