Update on mp3player and other things

Quick update: for those using mp3player, I noticed that it throws NullReferenceException in the latest BlogEngine builds. To fix it, go to extension source code (/App_Code/Extensions/mp3player.cs) and change from:
if (gc.Attributes["src"].Contains(_jsfile))
added = true;
if (gc.Attributes["src"] != null)
if (gc.Attributes["src"].Contains(_jsfile))
added = true;
I’ll make this change to downloadable file later today. Another thing I noticed that some use player on dark background without changing background color, so it looks like this:
Instead of this:
To make it look right on dark background, you simply need to change background color property for player object. In the same file as above, change from:
param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF'
param name='bgcolor' value='#393939'
or whatever your background color happans to be.
Next version of mp3player will come with property pages where you’ll be able to change how it looks, including background color among others.
Currenly I’m re-designing Extension Manager to be a part of BlogEngine core, which gives me opportunity to take advantage of closer integration and make it much easier for extension authors to use and hopefully a lot richer in functionality, at least over time. First task is to provide interface to extensions that doesn’t suck and won’t be screaming “change me” after first release. It is not as easy as it sounds.