Post Paging Extension

I was going to write that no such functionality exists but probably easy to add. But then I though just how easy it really would be? So I fired up Visual Studio and about half an hour later I got functioning plugin that does exactly what requested.

Boldy Updated to Version 3.1.1

We getting really close to BlogEngine 3.2 release and I'm mostly switching to integration tasks, checking how it works with external code, like themes, plugins etc. As an exercise I decided to refresh my old Boldy theme and make it work with very latest code.

Multiple Blogs vs Multiple Users

BlogEngine supported multiple users as far back as I can remember. But what people really wanted was multiple blogs on the single application install. So that hosting company, for example, can install application and provide free blog to everyone buying hosting space. Having multiple users not helping here, it just not the same. And at some point BlogEngine went all in and added multiple blogs feature

Crazy Fun Times

In application where you publish things, published time seems simple. I write post at 12 pm, hit “publish” and all I want is my post saved with that 12 pm time-stamp. How hard it can be, right? Wrong, which I found the hard way trying to fix issues with publish time in relatively simple application.

Drag and Drop Widgets with Bootstrap

Just a little concept for the next BE release. Really want to get rid of editing on live site and move all under admin. Why put it here and not just stick in the Github repository or Plunker? Because blog supposed to be center of your digital Universe and if not then something is wrong with it and it needs to be fixed. Blog, not the Universe - that is out of scope. Maybe next year.

Sneak peek on BlogEngine 2015

There has been a lot of activity lately on BlogEngine.NET development that went under the radar, so I want to clear things up a little. Because code moved from [Codeplex]( to [Github]( without much publicity, people don't see any changes in a while and assume project is dead done. This is exaggeration :)

Entity Framework 7 Getting Started

If you are new to Entity Framework, especially to all new EF7, best way to start is to look at this code from [sample application]( It shows all you need to know to get rolling: connecting to database, creating a table, inserting and selecting data all in one simple console app.

Bootstrap List Pager

Bootstrap provides nice lists to display all kind of items your website might need. It is very useful, and because it meant to show just few items it is not paged. Problem is, sometimes I do need it paged. For most cases, it can be just a few rows, but for some it can grow in few dozens.

ASP.NET Globalization in BlogEngine.NET

The basic globalization in ASP.NET pretty simple: you create resource (.resx) file for every supported language and include it in App\_GlobalResources. ASP.NET will compile it and load on demand. If you put your resources in labels.resx, in your code you can access individual resource like this


This site is all about developing web applications with focus on designing and building open source blogging solutions. Technologies include ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript and more.