Tutorial - Building NivoSlider Extension (Part 4)

BlogEngine uses NuGet format for sharing extensions. NuGet package in a nutshell is a ZIP containing files you want to share with some metadata NuGet uses internally. The easiest way to create a package is to use [Package Explorer](http://npe.codeplex.com). Download and install this small application on your local machine, then click to run as any regular Windows application.

Tutorial - Building NivoSlider Extension (Part 3)

What we need next is to save metadata for each picture used by every slider, and also we need to be able to add and delete all these records. Extension settings are standard way of doing it in BlogEngine - you declare what kind of data you want to maintain, set initial values and first time extension runs it will instantiate settings object and save it on the back-end.

Tutorial - Building NivoSlider Extension (Part 2)

HTML code we added to site.master can be moved to user control (1), so we’ll need just drop control on the page and be done. But some new themes use Razor instead of WebForms – for those to work we can provide HTML helper (2) do the same thing control does for WebForms. And also we want slider be available in the posts and pages, for that functionality we’ll have to use extension (3)

Simple Widget Tutorial

Feedjit is a service that provides live traffic feed for your site. It is easy to set up – you copy chunk of HTML and insert it into your blog’s markup. That is, if you know HTML and used to editing files in your blog, which shouldn’t be a requirement for average blogger. This is why popular blog providers supply [Feedjit widgets](http://feedjit.com/join/) – so that blogger does not have to edit files by hand and FTP them to the host. In this little exercise we create such a widget for BlogEngine.

Writing extensions for BlogEngine 1.4 (part 4)

Default admin interface for extensions in [BlogEngine](http://dotnetblogengine.net/) works fine in most cases and very easy to use. But sometimes you just got to get creative, right? That means, you want no limits. Obviously, some of simplicity will be lost – but still it is surprisingly easy to get along using plug-and-play [BlogEngine](http://dotnetblogengine.net/) architecture.

Writing extensions for BlogEngine 1.4 (part 2)

In the first part, we wrote simple extension that changes case in the post to lower. Let’s say, we want user to decide show post in the lower or upper case. For this, we need to be able to maintain variable and let blogger change it’s value through admin interface. Normally, you would need to add a data access functionality for extension to handle this kind of operation, create admin form etc

Writing extensions for BlogEngine 1.4 (part 1)

This is the first part in the series of tutorials about writing extensions for the [BlogEngine](http://dotnetblogengine.net/) 1.4. I’ll start with simple “hello world” example and then gradually move to the more advanced techniques. You don’t need to have any previous experience with BE extensions to follow this tutorial.


This site is all about developing web applications with focus on designing and building open source blogging solutions. Technologies include ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript and more.