Publishing from iPhone to BlogEngine

While I’m personally not looking forward to writing posts on the phone, some maniacs out there demand modern blog should have this functionality. Or may be I just needed lame excuse to start writing something that can be used on [my new Touch]( ;)

Don’t make me think!

One of the tools I use a lot on my current project is [ClearCase]( – fine version control overall, but its Windows client sometimes drives me nuts. The problem is that it is unnecessarily complicated, it exposes all functionality it got in very obnoxious way.

Managing comments in BlogEngine

The Commentor extension for [BlogEngine]( got a lot of positive feedback from community and will become a part of standard [BlogEngine]( install in the next version. As work on moving it under BE umbrella just started and it's not too late to make drastic changes

Digsby widget for BlogEngine

I've got email from user having issues with embedding HTML snippet into BlogEngine's page. Not really sure what was wrong with that tag, because I have never get to test it. Why? Because it is sometimes easier to add simple extension or widget than to deal with row HTML when it comes to BlogEngine.

Picasa with HighSlide

If you are using [Picasa extension]( I published while back you might want to take a look at another choice and try to use [HighSlide]( JavaScript library instead of the [LightBox](

Package Installer

Attached to this post is a small extension which is really just a proof of concept. To install it, do the regular routine: unzip and install files into corresponding locations. This is what we always do to install extension in BlogEngine. It is not hard, but requires you to have FTP client, opened port for FTP connection and, most importantly, you must have some basic administration skills.

Post Pager Control

When you have lots of pages on your blog, moving through using just “next” and “previous” buttons doesn’t cut it. It seems like a small thing, but if you look at most sophisticated web 2.0-style sites with large volume of content, they all go into the long way to provide good navigation. Because it is important for your users to feel good, and some get really dizzy when they don’t understand where they are.

Publishing to BlogEngine from Word 2007

A lot of "power bloggers", prefer to use [Windows Live Writer]( instead of built-in web editor. No matter how good web editor is, desktop publishing is just too hard to beat, at least at the moment. I personally like WLW myself and use it whenever I can. But this is not the only choice you have on the desktop; another big one is MS Word 2007.

Changes to Extension Manager in BlogEngine 1.4

Preparing for BE 1.4 release, which is coming soon (although exact date not yet set), I started working on documentation for Extension Manage and changes it has compared to previous BE version. This is a short list I came up with. Obviously, I'll have to go into specifics and provide code examples for documentation be useful. This will be on the Wiki as soon as 1.4 released.

Email subscription

Chris Blankenship came up with an initiative to start [emailsubscription]( for administrators who have [BlogEngine]( deployed on there websites.This can be useful for anybody who wants to stay on top of any important newsabout BlogEngine, not just sysadmins, so I would encourage folks to sign up.


This site is all about developing web applications with focus on designing and building open source blogging solutions. Technologies include ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, JavaScript and more.